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Burning of SS-23 missiles may cause explosions, admitted chief of the US firm CDI that will demolish the Russian-made weaponry. Together with Defense Minister Nikolay Svinarov and Deputy Minister of Environment and Waters Manuela Georgieva, he surveyed the testing ground near the village of Zmeevo, Stara Zagora region, where the missiles are to destroyed. Photo Vasko Hadziivanov
A concert of the Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra with famous Bulgarian violinist Mincho Minchev as a soloist was the centrepiece of this year's Emil Chakurov Music Season. Emil Tabakov conducted the performance of works by Beethoven and Brahms to a capacity audience at the Drama, Opera and Ballet Theatre in Bourgas. Pressphoto BTA. Photo: Todor Stavrev
"The spirit and the energy of VMRO-DPMNE will give us the strength to prepare ourselves for this election campaign and win at the upcoming elections", VMRO-DPMNE leader and Macedonian Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski said in his address at Friday evening's Annual Assembly of the Women's Union of VMRO-DPMNE.
Emphasising that the main ace of SDSM leader Branko Crvenkovski for the upcoming elections was Petar Gosev, Prime Minister Georgievski asked if anyone "who is forgotten in politics should return on the political scene once again".
"We will come out in coalition with the Liberal Party at the upcoming elections, and we will win", Georgievski stated.
He appealed to SDSM to stop doing evil things and said, "they do not have a program and a vision for Macedonia, but only evil, hatred and wish to return to power without a program".
Referring to last year's occurrences, Prime Minister Georgievski said, "we should not forget the fight that VMRO-DPMNE led along with the Macedonian people", adding, "the enemy we fought against will not renounce its idea for Great Albania".
VMRO-DPMNE leader said, "SDSM were those that used to speak abroad that it was just a mafia battle," adding that "with their own hatred they tried to harm the national interests." He said that SDSM "was nowhere to be seen during the crisis and the only thing it did was blocking of the system and damaging of the defense power."
Reminding on Aracinovo developments he said, "the battle in Aracinovo was great success for the Macedonian police and army." Therefore Georgievski suggested that each member of VMRO-DPMNE should be proud that the party defended Macedonia with its fighters and people and with patriotism."
"SDSM was not interested in anything else, but the date of the early elections and the look of the election lists," he said.
Georgievski reminded that during the eight years while VMRO-DPMNE was in opposition the party was constantly attacked, but they always won and will win this time as well."
He said, "VMRO-DPMNE would win again on September 15, and SDSM would be the party that would try to make incidents."
The Prime Minister said that VMRO-DPMNE was a democratic party and expressed hope that the elections would be held in calm and democratic atmosphere.
"We will get out on the elections with our past achievements and we will show to the nation what was our enemy in the last years," Georgeivski emphasized.
In Organization of the Institute for Defense and Peace Studies from Skopje and the Center for Democratic Control of the Armed Forces from Geneva, two-day international seminar began Friday in Skopje on "Challenges of Post-conflict Reconsolidating and Peace Building in Macedonia." More than hundred domestic and foreign experts and representatives of the international associations and institutions take part at the seminar.
The seminar will focus on the crisis management, development of civil security and several other aspects important for restoring the peace and the stability in Macedonia, with a special emphasis on the role and support by the international community.
Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski addressed the present, saying that thorough analyses and specific activities were required for accomplishing the great task of uniting of all its citizens behind the unique vision for perspective future of the state.
"The process that began with the signing of Framework Agreement continues today with its practical implementation. Our commitment is focused on nurturing the culture of political dialogue among all political entities in Macedonia and on stabilization of the political system and democratic ambient in the state," Trajkovski said.
He emphasized that the Macedonian model of democracy, promoted with the last constitutional changes, was extremely expensive move for the Macedonian economy. Therefore, according to him, permanent prosperity and development for maintaining the democratic institutions of the state and for supporting the initiatives for integration in the European and Euro-Atlantic structures are necessary.
"The last year's conflict objectively reduced the possible positive effects of the signed Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union. At this moment we need firm support by the EU, but not only through donations and grants. We need direct foreign investments, technical assistance and political support in order to keep the pace with the other countries - aspirants for joining the European structures," the Macedonian President said.
He said that the conflict in Macedonia slowed down the progress towards NATO integration and that "the wise actions in resolving the crisis confirmed Macedonia as a partner, which the Alliance could consider in the future."
Trajkovski said that Macedonia has great, but not unrealistic expectations at the forthcoming Prague Summit. "We believe that a strategic vision would be offered for finding out the right place of this part of the Balkan in the new security structures and we believe that the creative solutions are the correct answer to the challenges that the Alliance faces at this moment and to the needs of the states striving to become its fully-fledged members," Trajkovski said.
According to him, Macedonia needs only calmness, sensibility and lot of work in order to overcome the problems. "We need responsible citizens and their leaders that love this country and believe in its future. The vision that our country would be part of EU and NATO in the future should be a benchmark when making the political decisions in the Macedonian society," the Macedonian President said.
At the end of his address, President Trajkovski said that the elections were the clearest form of civil contribution towards the democracy, expressing his assurance that the forthcoming elections in Macedonia in September would be carried out in compliance with the European standards and would confirm the country as "a state with rising standards of democracy.
The number of judiciary administration personnel in the country will be increased with around 200 - 300 newly graduated attorneys, the Macedonian Prime Minister, Ljupco Georgievski and the Chairman to the Supreme Court of the country, Simeon Gelevski announced at Friday's press -conference.
According to their announcements given after the meeting, the graduated attorneys who have already passed the qualifying examination for judges would be employed as associate workers, while the others would have to work as law clerks.
Prime Minister Georgievski explained that the employing of the young attorneys was of temporary character, envisaged for probation period that would last 2 - 3 years. This project will be financed with the Budget's funds that have been already provided.
"After applying this measure we will be in a position to discuss the efficiency of the courts in the country, i.e. a kind of efficiency wanted by every citizen and judge in the country," PM Georgievski said, adding that the employment competition would be announced on Saturday.
PM Georgievski said that Chairman of the country's Supreme Court presented him the idea of this employment project during the formal opening of the new building of this institution.
"I liked the idea from the very start, but it had to be enclosed financially. Now, when the rebalance of the Budget has been adopted we can present it to the public. I consider that the problem of long - term court processes that sometimes last four - five years will be resolved in the end and then we can all say that our judiciary is being efficient," PM Georgievski stated.
According to him, this measure could be described as part of the reforms in the state administration, but not in the sense of its formal content, as the legislative power is independent from the executive, so that basically means reforms of the judiciary in the country.
The Chairman to the Supreme Court in the country pointed out that the project for employment of young attorneys is aimed to foster the efficiency of judiciary, as it has been experiencing certain problems during the past years.
" It is well known that the judiciary in the country operates with only 50 percents of its overall capacity, which means great losses and a status quo situation," said Gelevski, saying that out of the overall 1,2 million court cases, only 50 percents can be solved in one year by the already existing personnel at the courts in the country.
According to him, the conveyed analyses showed that the state's judges met the conditions for professional working, but the real problem that emerges is the numerous unsolved cases, which demand enhancing of the personnel capacity with young employees.
Great number of clients are waiting for years for their cases to be solved, that is the main reason why the Supreme Court decided, in agreement with the Government, to significantly improve the work of the elementary courts through out the country, by employing young, educated attorneys.
The idea for raising the efficiency level of the judiciary personnel will start its realization from September 1 at the elementary courts throughout the country, in agreement with the systematization acts, which will fill the vacancies of associate workers at the courts.
In order to improve the efficiency of the Macedonian judiciary, Gelevski said that besides applying this most radical measure so far, series of changes to the current Laws has already been undertaken for hastening of the law procedures, such as computerization and modernization of the judiciary, increasing salaries of the employees and the judges. In that sense, a law on independent Budget of the judiciary in the country is being developed.
Technical Problems of Unit 3, 4 of Kozloduy N-plant Are Solved, Energy Minister Says.
Varna, on the Black Sea, June 28 (BTA) - All technical problems that were identified at Unit 3 and 4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant in the early 1990s by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), have been solved, Energy Minister Milko Kovachev said Friday.
Kovachev spoke at the opening of an international seminar on nuclear energy in Eastern Europe and gave a presentation on Bulgaria and its place in the regional energy policy.
The Energy Minister also made public the early results of a IAEA safety review mission that ended earlier the same day. In his words, IAEA assessed in highly positive terms the attitude of the N-plant staff to safety and saw it as "a guarantee for the safe operation of such a high-risk energy source, which has to be run carefully to maximize the benefit".
Kovachev also said that there is ungrounded fear that power supply will be rationed after the decommissioning of Unit 1 and 2 of Kozloduy. According to him, if the electricity output remains unchanged - for which Kozloduy has the necessary capacity - then the prices of electricity won't change too.
Taking the floor at the forum, Gordon Adam of the European Parliament said that the process of accession to the EU gives a chance to the calls for shutting down the reactors, and called them a mixture of political and economic blackmail.
In an address that was read at the forum, President Georgi Purvanov wished that the opinion of experts is more listened to. "Decisions to open and close nuclear reactors should be taken only by independent regulators, not by governments, and not evenby presidents," Purvanov also said.
IAEA Experts Say Life of Unit 3, 4 of Kozloduy Can Be Extended 35-40 Years.
Sofia, June 28 (BTA) - Experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on a safety review mission here found that the safety of Unit 3 and 4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant surpasses that of the 440-213 reactors and their life can be extended at least 35-40 years, the chairman of the Committee for Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Emil Vapirev, told BTA Friday.
According to the IAEA experts, the safety of Unit 3 and 4 is on a par with that of Western N-plant of the same generation.
The IAEA mission ended Friday after checking for four days the operational safety and condition of Kozloduy and more specifically Unit 3 and 4. They were examining both documents and the the N-plant facilities.
Vapirev said that the technical findings of the mission are "extremely positive".
"All problems that were identified in 1991 have been solved and in many cases the N-plant did more than IAEA had recommended." According to Vapirev, "there is no better praise than that".
The IAEA mission have handed the N-plant management an early report on their work. An official version will be ready and submitted to the Bulgarian Government within two months.
"The Government must use the report in the negotiations with the EU institutions because we have a very positive, independent and objective evaluation by highly qualified experts," Vapirev said.
Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha: There's No Alternative to Quick EU Enlargement.
Crans Montana, June 28 (BTA) - "We have no alternative to quick EU enlargement," Bulgarian Prime Minister Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha said at the opening of the 13th Crans Montana Forum in Switzerland, the Government's Information and PR Directorate said.
The Bulgarian government leader was the third official to address the forum, after Jean-Paul Carteron, Chairman and Founder of the Crans Montana Forum, and Thomas Burgener, President of the Government of Valais. The summit is attended by Francesco Frangialli, Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, World Bank Vice President Jean-Francois Rischard, EBRD Vice President Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova, the Mongolian president, the prime ministers of Rwanda, Monaco and Montenegro, among others.
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha said Europe is too small to afford two models: one of ethnic conflicts and economic and political instability, and another of a rich and privileged European Union. It is an illusion to think that these two Europes could co-exist without detriment to each other, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha said, calling for quick EU enlargement.
Addressing the world leaders, the prime minister quoted Pope John Paul II, who said while visiting Bulgaria in May: "With its geographical location, Bulgaria is like a bridge between Eastern and Western Europe, almost like a spiritual crossroads, a land of encounters and mutual understanding. This country brings together the human and cultural values of the different parts of the continent, which have met with a good reception and respect."
"Bulgaria's accession to the EU will expand the borders of the Single Market within the region, thanks to our particularly important geopolitical position", Saxe-Coburg-Gotha said.
Borissov Deserves One More Star.
When officers with general's epaulettes in the Interior Ministry number an odd twenty maybe the chief secretary of Interior will be decorated with one more star, said Minister of Interior Georgi Petkanov before the cabinet's sitting yesterday. I don't share the opinion that it's better to stimulate our people promoting them to the rank of general after we don't have funds to increase their salaries, he added. The nominees for the general's rank were discussed with chief secretary of Interior Gen. Boiko Borissov. There will be more generals in the Ministry of Interior, maybe they will be 10, 15 or 20, but we have to keep the balance, Petkanov said. The Minister doesn't rule out the possibility that Gypsies will also hold posts in the police because of the recent riots in Vidin.
Poverty among Bulgarian women widespread, survey shows.
SOFIA, Bulgaria - One in two Bulgarian women occasionally deprives her child of food due to lack of money, according to a survey released Friday documenting that the country's economic woes have hit women the hardest.
The survey by the Social Analysis Agency was conducted among 1,160 people in June at the request of the World Bank. No margin of error was provided.
Eight percent more women then men consider themselves poor and women's incomes in general are only 74 percent that of men's who average 249 leva (dlrs 125) a month.
Due to lack of money, one in two mothers sometimes deprives her child of food; 74 percent of new clothes, and 70 percent of toys and sports accessories.
One in two mothers would advise her child to emigrate, the survey shows.
Nearly 700,000 people, most of them young, have left Bulgaria since the collapse of communism in 1989, leaving the population at under 7.8 million.
The degree of poverty varies among the different ethnic groups, with 91 percent of Roma, or Gypsy, women and 89 percent of men describing themselves as poor. The figures for ethnic Turks are 71 percent for men and 65 percent for women, and for ethnic Bulgarians 44 percent for men and 49 percent for women.
Due in great part to poverty, some 10,000 Bulgarian women have turned to prostitution, according to statistics from the International Organization for Migration, and Bulgarian organizations.
Moscow to Pay to Bulgaria $15 Million by July 1.
Stephan Kioutchukov
The agreement on the Russian debt is being observed and Moscow will pay to Bulgaria $15 million in cash on Monday at the latest, said well-informed sources close to deputy-minister of finance Krassimir Katev. According to the contract, Russia should pay off to Bulgaria $15 million till end-June. Yet, the last day of this month falls on Sunday, so the money may come on July 1 - Monday. Since the sum is paid in cash, it will be considered as clearance of the $25 million from the debt. Bulgaria should receive from Russia nuclear fuel worth of $35 million till end-2002 and next year - $14.5 million more. All commitments of the Russian party will be fulfilled, sources from the Finance Ministry commented. Negotiations with Russia are underway on military equipment and spare parts supplies for $24 million within the period 2002 - 2004. Russia is to clear off the $88.5-million debt till 2004, agreed the cabinet. We've made a breakthrough in the negotiations with Russia, Krassimir Katev commented signing the agreement on debt in Moscow three week ago.
Carlsberg Breweries Strengthens Its Position in South-East Europe by Becoming Majority Shareholder of the Shumensko Brewery in Bulgaria.
Carlsberg A/S
VALBY, Denmark, June 28, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Carlsberg Breweries A/S has entered an agreement with Ferroal Ltd. to acquire 59.4 per cent of the Bulgarian brewery Shumensko. Ferroal continues as a minority shareholder. The acquisition is subject to approval by local authorities.
End of May this year, Carlsberg Breweries increased its shareholding of the Croatian brewery Panonska to 80 per cent and the acquisition of majority shareholding in Shumensko should also be seen as part of strengthening the position in southeast Europe.
Shumensko, which is situated in the town Shumen close to the Black Sea coast, has over the last few years experienced substantial growth and today has a market share of approx. 8 per cent of a total market of nearly 4.5 million hectolitres beer. The Bulgarian per capita consumption is 54 litres. The Shumensko brand is among the few traditional quality brands, and will therefore be the core brand in the future product portfolio. Furthermore, Carlsberg Breweries expects to introduce both the Carlsberg and Tuborg brands on the Bulgarian market.
2001 facts about Shumensko
Net turnover USD 7.75 million
Production 340,000 hl beer
Number of employees 388
Shumensko was established in 1882 and is thus among the oldest Bulgarian breweries. In 1948, the brewery was nationalized. 50 years later, in 1998, the Bulgarian state sold the brewery which then again became privately owned.
Yours faithfullyCarlsberg A/S
-------------------------------------------------- Contact:
Carlsberg A/S Margrethe Skov, Public Affairs Director 45 33 27 14 10
Iskra Radeva Fascinated Bulgarians in Canada.
Albena Atanassova
The trio comprising actress Iskra Radeva, singer Margarita Hranova and actor Ivan Balsamadjiev gave autographs to hundred Bulgarians for three hours long.
Recently Iskra Radeva, Margarita Hranova and Ivan Balsamadjiev came back from Canada where they met with Bulgarian immigrants living in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. The Bulgarian newspaper Bulgarian Horizons, issued there, wrote: "Bulgarian stars have not had such a success here for 12 years already." The famous actors did not intend to act or sing but they succumbed to the invitations and performed scenes from Bulgarian comedies and later brought to tears our compatriots with the famous songs "My Country, My Bulgaria" and "Macedonian Song". In Toronto, hundreds of Bulgarians gathered at the St. St. Cyril and Methodius Cathedral. In Montreal there is no a Bulgarian church, but while the actors preformed there, the immigrants started raising funds to build one.
Sofia, June 28 (BTA) - The best integrated Albanians in the region of former Yugoslavia are those in Montenegro, according to a study carried out by the Sofia-based International Centre for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations. It was presented at a roundtable on "The Albanian National Questions and the Balkans" on Friday.
The Centre studied the problem using the urgent anthropology method in the former Yugoslav republics. The theme will be closed after a field study of the Albanians in Greece this year.
The study in Montenegro last year found that society was divided over the issue of its secession from Yugoslavia.
The Centre's field studies of the Albanian ethnos led to the conclusion that wherever they are - in the Balkans, in Europe, or in the US, the Albanians have to make a complex personal and social choice between tradition and the ethnocultural capsule, on the one hand, and human rights and humanism as part of the European values, on the other.
The studies were noticed by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which organized the two-day forum in Sofia with the International Centre. The participants are scholars and politicians from Macedonia, Yugoslavia, Albania, Kosovo, Britain and Bulgaria.
N-Plant Falls Victim of Intrigues and Populism.
INTERVIEW Standartnews: Milko Kovatchev

Evgeni Petrov
Pavlina Zhivkova
I'm worried that the problem with small reactors is getting politicized, says Energy Minister.
Milko Kovatchev graduated from the Technical University in Sofia. He is an expert in thermo- and nuclear power engineering. He passed the in-service training courses organized by the International Agency for Atomic Energy (IAAE) and the European Council. In 1979-1994 he worked as a managing reactor operator and was a deputy director of the training center to the nuclear power plant in Kozloduy. He is teaching at the chair of thermo- and nuclear power engineering in the Technical University. From 1994 to 1997 he was the head of the "Nuclear Power Engineering" Department with the former Energy Committee and later heads the "European Integration and International Relations" Department. In November 1997 he was appointed chief of the "Safety and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant" Dpt to the National Electric Company. From August 2001 he is the chairman of the State Agency for Power Engineering and Energy Resources" which now has the status of a ministry.
- Mr. Kovatchev, the project for modernization of Units 3 and 4 in the "Kozloduy" nuclear power plant was worked out as early as 1999. Why wasn't it implemented then?
- The reason is pure shortsightedness. We promoted this project in 1998, but Jordan Jordanov and Ivan Shiliashki racked their brains how to stop it. In 1993 Shervashidze sealed an agreement with EBRD worth 24 mln ECU. Apparently the idea was to take the money and then slip out of obligations. When it comes to interstate relations cheating is always paid for dearly. I say it with great regret and pain, because people who work in the N-plant have always been used by politicians and authorities of all sorts and ranks. Today again they dish up a false opportunity to them, something that simply doesn't exist. I'm not afraid to say it openly.
- The Civil Committee for the Protection of "Kozloduy" have voiced sharp criticisms addressed to the government reproaching it for taking no efficient efforts to protect the plant. How would you respond to these reproaches?
- I've acquainted the President with my stand already. For the first time the issue has been made public and presented in clear terms without concealing anything. I feel gravely concerned seeing what games are played with these issues - they are being politicized and used in populist slogans, lies are told to people who worked hard towards the development and the future of our nuclear power engineering.
(Abr) |