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Compliance with a ban on turbot fishing has been examined under the supervision of Dimiter Passev, who heads the Varna-based Fishery and Aquaculture Executive Agency. Many turbot fishing nets have been found to be in use at sea between Varna and Shkorpilovtsi (along the country's northern coastline) and have therefore been impounded. The turbot population has been reduced to an alarmingly low level due to uncontrolled fishing round the year, Passev says. Pressphoto BTA photo: Krassimir Krustev
It is calm Friday morning in Tetovo region, yet tensed due to the frequent violations of law and banditry, reports MIA's correspondent.
Shootouts from various types of infantry weapons were loudly heard over the night in the region.
According to the Interior Department - Tetovo, series of rifle and sporadic shots were registered till early in the morning, coming from the settlements of Drenovec 2, Vonvardarska and Ciglana, as well as from the villages of mala Recica, Poroj, Odri and Dobroste.
The shootouts had no determined targets.
Last night around 22:00h, a burglary was committed over a privately owned shop, near the Textile High School "Goce Stojcevski". Namely, two armed persons entered the shop with pointed guns and threatened the owners, Kirko and Danko Tanevski. The burglars took the money and escaped.
It has been calm during Thursday night in Kumanovo - Lipkovo region, MIA's correspondent reports.
Shootouts have been registered from the villages of Nikustak and Vistica, which were directed at unknown targets.
Patrolling of ethnically mixed police in Lipkovo villages continues without problems.
"The security situation in Kumanovo-Lipkovo crisis region is still violated by the Albanian terrorist groups inside and around the residential areas," Spokesman of the Macedonian Army Colonel Blagoja Markovski said for MIA.
He informed that at 18.50h Thursday evening in the area west from Nikustak village, a group of armed terrorists was registered. After spending some time in that area the group has moved towards Grusino village.
The group was spotted at one of the former posts of the Macedonian Army, whose units were withdrawn from Nikustak area in order to "contribute towards the process of confidence building between the local residents and the Macedonian security forces, but also with an assurance that lasting peace will be finally created in this region," Markovski said.
"Unfortunately, this is another confirmation that the Albanian terrorist groups still present in this crisis region do not contribute to the stabilization of the security situation, what is against the principle that everyone in Republic of Macedonia should practically confirm the determinations for peace implementation," Macedonian Army's spokesman Col. Blagoja Markovski said.
Another Intepol Wanted Albanian Drug Dealer Released By Memeti.
Reality Macedonia - Dnevnik

Dnevnik daily writes about another extradition scandal unfolding in Macedonia. A Kosovar Albanian, Basrim Vejseli, a notorious drug-dealer, was released Thursday from Skopje Prison. Macedonian Minister of Justice Ixhet Memeti did not sign the documents on Vejseli's extradition to Switzerland.
Malicious Hacker Attacks Vest's Web Site.
Reality Macedonia
On May 17, 2002, Vest daily announced the following:
A criminal hacker intrusion into Vest's web site occurred during May 15 & 16, 2002, in order to change the data of the survey entitled "Should Boshkovski resign after Leunovo incident?" An enormous number of visitors, unregistered by regular tracking methods, "voted" at this survey. During that period, Vest's site had 3,277 visitors, but the survey had 41,215,853 votes! Out of those, 41,215,465 voted "no."
Later during the day, Macedonian TV and Sitel TV abused this data, announcing it as a valid indication of the public opinion. This survey, as any other on Vest's web site, has been conceived as entertainment and does not properly access the public opinion.
Both malicious hacking into the site, and unauthorized use of data are considered a criminal offence and Vest will act accordingly. The Vlach attack: Romania's opportunism in Macedonia.
Antiwar by Christopher Deliso
The European Union's adoption of Latin as its official language is perhaps the strangest decision yet from that august institution. It further confirms the bureaocratic bloat and devotion to uselessness that have been hallmarks of the EU since its inception. Apparently, the Union did not want to offend member states, by bowing to the uncomfortable reality- that English is (unofficially, at least) the common tongue. And so the EU, in its infinite wisdom, chose a language that nobody can understand.
Other solutions exist, however, besides English. For example, the official language could rotate annually, along with the country that happens to hold the revolving EU presidency. While critics would howl at having to learn "minor" languages, there is some value in this. After all, Europeans could learn more about each other’s languages and cultures. And at least the official tongue would be understood by some of the people part of the time, instead of by none of the people all of the time.
However, this idea was not chosen, and Latin reigns supreme once again in Europe. But besides a few balding classicists, is anyone cheering?
The answer is yes- the Vlachs!
One of the Balkan’s historical oddities, the Vlachs speak a remarkable language that is closest to ancient Latin. They have never had a state- which is perhaps a reason for their liminal survival- but rather, inhabit the borderlands between nations. In the mountains between Macedonia and Greece, in the lakes region of those countries and Albania, and even into Bulgaria the Vlachs can be found. In parts of these regions (especially in northern Greece), they have largely become assimilated into the local population. They are famed for their commercial creativity, are Orthodox Christians, and by and large cause trouble for no one- unlike other ethnic minorities in this fractious region.
Yet another party has recently sensed an opportunity in this docile, law-abiding Vlach population. This is Romania, perhaps distant cousins and speakers of a more-watered down Latinate tongue. Despite its great poverty and political immaturity, Romania would like very much to join Europe, and especially NATO. And so they have seized the moment to publicize the insufficient "rights" of the Vlach populations of Albania and Macedonia.
To publicize this persecution, a Romanian delegation visited Skopje on 22 April. They demanded that their "Aromanian" cousins be granted some sort of quota representation in political life, more government funds, and more radio and TV broadcasts in their own language. The Romanian officials perhaps seized upon their audacious idea after noting that such demands have been very successful for the Albanians in Macedonia. Like the Albanians, they also asked for language courses and instruction in, ahem, Romanian.
Interesting enough, but three days later NATO chief George Robertson told Bucharest that its accession to that institution was moving along well:
"Robertson congratulated Romania for backing the fight against international terrorism after the 11 September 2001 attacks in the United States, but said that the accession to NATO was neither a reward for service rendered, nor a gift for the candidate states." (Romania has "all chances" to be invited to join at Prague summit - NATO chief" (Source: Rompres) (Related Story: Official presents claims of ethnic Romanians living in Macedonia)
One wonders if Robertson doth perhaps protest too much. After all, why would he bring up the suspicion of a "reward" unless there was some element of truth to it?
Even before, evidence suggested that Romania (and Bulgaria) are being fast-tracked for NATO membership because they are relatively pliable and eager to join up. Serbia, which still vividly recalls being attacked by NATO three years ago, is less enthusiastic. Despite the fact that their leaders have hustled to participate with NATO, many Macedonians still bristle at the alliance’s perceived support of the Albanians in last year’s war. And Greece, whose population was almost entirely opposed to that military adventure, is being sidelined. It is perceived as being anti-NATO, and it also has sympathy for the Palestinians, some of whom are Orthodox. When Yasser Araft was evacuated from his compound recently, he was also flanked by Orthodox priests. This pro-Palestinian sentiment among the Greeks cannot fail to irritate the (still) pro-Israel majority in Washington.
Politically speaking, Greece's traditional enemy Turkey is thus more promising to the US, given its strategic location with the Central Asia and Caucasus regions. Turkey also has a military understanding with Israel. Yet it cannot be expected to participate fully in Washington's war games. Attacking its neighbors in Iraq is not an option under the present circumstances. The sentiment of Turkey's co-religionists in the Middle East is a strong factor that will probably rule out (overt) Turkish contribution in any strike on Iraq.
This is where the new Balkan allies come in. Besides containing Russia, Bulgaria and Romania are important to the US, in respect to its ongoing "war on terror." European allies have become more reluctant about attacking Iraq and embarking on other potential adventures. In this light, Romanian and Bulgarian bases- which are already being made available to the US- are an appealing option. These countries are prepared to do whatever the West bids, so long as they can enter NATO (and someday, the EU).
The new enthusiasm from Washington seems to have given Romania new swagger, a new spring in its step, if its Macedonian machinations are anything to go by. Hopefully, they will not be allowed to develop into anything that could endanger the stability of the country- further than it already has been, that is. The masterstroke of the Albanians last year was in convincing the "international community" that they were being repressed by the "evil Slavs" of Macedonia. Yet even the West should not be able to believe that the Vlachs- who, like the Albanians, are frequently wealthier than their Macedonian neighbors- are being persecuted.
Playing the minority card has become a tired ploy in the Balkans these days. Perhaps the Romanians are just bored. However, given the (endemic) illogic of this embittered region, all the possibilities are open.
So why not? Since the EU has always demonstrated such sound decision-making, why should it not someday recognize an independent Vlachia? Indeed, shouldn’t someone in the Union have a fighting chance at understanding the institution’s Latin communiques and other "official" nonsense? BULGARIA - PASSY - NATO.
Foreign Minister Passy: "Bulgaria Entered Most Dangerous Point of Its NATO Bid"
Sofia, May 17 (BTA) - According to Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy, Bulgaria has entered the most dangerous point of its bid to join NATO.
"Yesterday Bulgaria stepped on the most difficult stretch of its road to NATO: the point at which the political elite and the public came to believe that we already got the invitation, which could lead to demobilization, spelling the risk of pitfalls," the Foreign Minister said.
"The meeting in Rejkyavik was the most successful NATO meeting in respect of Bulgaria," Passy said, back home late Thursday night from the session of the NATO member states' and candidate countries' foreign ministers in the Icelandic capital.
Passy said the good news from Reykjavik is that Croadia has been added to the membership action plan, bringing the number of candidate countries to ten.
"Let us not indulge in overoptimism but get down to work, because there are still pitfalls along the road to NATO," Passy said.
Director of 'Democratzia' Battered.
Standartnews Antoaneta Peteva
Executive director of 'Democratzia' Teodora Halacheva was beaten by two men in front of her flat in the 'Zona B-18' residential district in Sofia. The woman was attacked at about 10.30 p.m. on Wednesday while she climbed the stairs to her apartment, police sources said yesterday. The attackers ambushed her and knocked her down. Falling down Halacheva hit her head at the metal door. She got a concussion and lost consciousness for about 10 minutes. At that time the attackers took her lady's purse and her attache case. The journalist was found by a neighbour who immediately took her to 'Pirogov' emergency hospital.
US President Bush Highly Appreciates Bulgarian People's Support in Combating Terrorism.
Sofia, May 17 (BTA) - Sending a letter to President Georgi Purvanov, US President George W. Bush highly appreciates Bulgaria's support in the combat against terrorism and the Bulgarian Government's substantial contribution to the achievement of peace and stability in Southeastern Europe.
The letter is in response to Purvanov's message of April 23 which Bulgarian Prime Minister Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha handed over to the US President during his visit there, and which focuses on the Bulgarian efforts for NATO membership.
Bush says that he has had a very useful discussion with Saxe-Coburg-Gotha on the topic. He says that the resolution of the Bulgarian Government to turn Bulgaria's ambition into reality fills him with hope.
Further on Bush says that Bulgaria has undertaken ambitious and impressive reforms that also include fighting corruption, improving the business climate and control over the export of products for military use.
The US President ends his letter to Purvanov by saying that he hails Bulgaria's efforts in this respect and expects news about the progress the country is making in these important areas.
Bulgaria Is Good Place for Chinese Investment, Chairman of People's Political Consultative Council Says.
Sofia, May 17 (BTA) - Bulgaria will be glad if Chinese investors show interest towards the implementation of infrastructure projects in it, National Assembly Chairman Ognyan Gerdjikov said after a meeting in the Bulgarian Parliament with a Chihese delegation led by Li Ruihuan, Chairman of the People's Political Consultative Council.
Gerdjikov said that they had not had a specific discussion but the pojects could in the energy sector or transport.
Bulgaria is a good place for Chinese investment, Li Ruihuan said.
The parties agreed that the trade and economic relations between Bulgaria and China do not correspond to the existing potential and the level of political relations. "Although in 2001 and early 2002 trade between the two countries became brisker, it is not up to their actual possibilities, Gerdjikov The stimulation and strengthening of bilateral economioc cooperation is in line with their interests, Li Ruihuan said.
There are no controversial or unsettled problems in the two countries' relations, Gerdjikov said. He accepted the invitation to visit China at the head of a Bulgarian parliamentary delegation.
Later the Chinese delegation will have a meeting with Prime Minister Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, President Georgi Purvanov and Foreign Minister Solomon Passy.
IMF Mission Leader for Bulgaria Schiff Briefs President Purvanov on His Meetings with Government, Economic Programme Performance.
Sofia, May 17 (BTA) - The IMF Mission Leader for Bulgaria Jerald Schiff briefed President Purvanov on the progress of the Mission's negotiations with the Bulgarian Government and the review of the Government's economic programme performance, BTA learnt from the President's Press Secretariat on Friday.
IMF Resident Representative in Sofia Piritta Sorsa also attended Friday's meeting between the President and the Mission Leader.
"Hope was expressed at the meeting that the Government will locate resources to speed up structural adjustment so as to be able to honour its commitments in the social sphere as well," the press release says.
The President raised the question as to how the IMF would regard a possible government action to offer tax concessions in education and culture. He voiced concern over the strained municipal budgets and the problems into which their implementation might run this coming autumn.
In reply, Schiff noted that investments in education were a determining factor of the economic boom and the attraction of investments in Ireland.
The municipal budgets figured on the agenda of discussions between the IMF and the Government, the Mission Leader said.
The Central Heating Price to Up by 50%.
Standartnews Nevena Mircheva Victoria Seraphimova
Customers of Central Heating Company in Sofia, with installed calorimeters on their radiators, received bills which were within 30 and 50 percents higher as compared with those for the same period of 2001. The Consumers' Federation (CF) filed in hundreds of complaints, Pavel Karlev - Federation's chairman, said. The contracts between the thermal accountant's companies and the population should include the formula by which the bills be calculated. Thus the people will know exactly how much and for what they pay. We've ran onto rediculous cases - the bills of two identical flats, located in neighboring entrances of the same block, have 50-percent difference, Karlev elaborated.
Life On Credit.
Standartnews Stephan Kioutchukov
The Bulgarian is head over heels in debts. One can hardly make both ends meet. The financial status of all people worsened last year. This is the sorrowful conclusion of the National Statistics Institute (NSI). Its latest survey shows that 29.5 percent of the population are sure they've got poorer. The Bulgarians who think that their family budget had highly improved, are so little, that the statistics actually considers them a nullity. For the first time the NSI reported the situation of all had worsened - even of those with the top incomes in Bulgaria. As well as of the self-employed ones. To 84.6 percent of the people, the prospect of buying a car within the next two years seems absolutely unbelievable. Even more impossible it appears to them to acquire a lodging. This sounds absurd to 92.5% of the Bulgarians, while 76.6% can't allot money on house repairs within the next 12 months. To save money now is 'quite untimely' for 54.8 percent of the population. Merely 1.3% of the Bulgarians can put aside money for a rainy day.
Two Helicopters Escort The Pope.
Standartnews Stephan Tashev
Two helicopters will constantly circle over the escort of the Pope during his visit in Bulgaria, Head of the National Security Service Gen. Dimitar Vladimirov said yesterday. The car Pope John-Paul II will ride during his visit was shown for the first time yesterday. The driver of the armoured 'Mercedes 230-G' will be from the National Security Service (NSS) and a guard from the same service will sit in the front seat next to him. Two cardinals and the Pope will travel on the back seat. The car of the Holy Father weighs 3.2 tons and is 2.8 meters high. The Pope will use the armoured car only at his public appearances in Sofia and Plovdiv. To the Rila Monastery the he will travel in a car of the NSS.
Catholic Monastery in Deliorman Is Famous All Over Bulgaria.
Standartnews Bilyana Vesselinova
Benedictines make miracle-working ointments.
'Pieta' - that's how the almost 100-year old Catholic monastery in the village of Tzarev Brod is called. The monastery borders with a psychiatric hospital (formerly owned by the monastery), where the 12 nuns help voluntarily to the medical staff. 78-year old sister Stanislava proudly shows to each guest the garden behind the monastery where the precious for the ointments marigold and madonna lily are raised. We plant them in flower beds, because in the ointments we use only the petals, she explains. Some time ago the nuns made only 4-5 litres of the miraculous ointments and the quantity was enough for all year long. Now the production of the ointment boosted to 70 litres and despite that it doesn't suffice to meet the needs of all people, who want to have it. The nuns add beeswax, fats and sunflower-seed oil to the healing ointments. The exact recipe, which was brought almost a century ago by a Swedish nun named Ursula, is kept in secret and is handed down from nun to nun.
Power-Vested Repeat Kostov's Mistakes.
INTERVIEW Standartnews: Krassimir Karakachanov

Velislava Krasteva
Bulgaria needs right-wing alternative, says IMRO leader Krassimir Karakachanov.
- Mr. Karakachanov, lately the analysts discuss the possibility of the revival of nationalism in Bulgaria. Could the phenomenon like Le Pen take root in Bulgaria?
- It has taken root in Bulgaria already. Because NMS is nothing but a populist formation. They came forward due to demagoguery, promising to solve the problems of all people. How could it be possible to turn Bulgaria into a normal Western-European state in just 800 days?! It was a hollow promise from the very start.
- Three hundred days out of the 800 the Premier said he needs to raise the living standard of Bulgaria have elapsed. What has happened in Bulgaria within this period?
- Miracles couldn't happen. In these 300 days we saw the total impotence of the power-vested. It's highly unlikely that anything will change in the remaining 500 days. The government proved to be completely unprepared to run the country. Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha definitely lied that he was well aware of the situation in Bulgaria and had a good managerial team. His government is weak and incompetent. His allegedly strong business connections proved to be but a punctured balloon. He promised fresh investments, but the investments decreased by half as compared with the previous year. He promised new approaches towards privatization, but we witnessed none. These people are just repeating the mistakes of Ivan Kostov.
- Recently Simeon said that he is going to retire after his term in office is over. Could this be qualified like the policy based on the principle of "apres nous le deluge".
- Simeon has been in retirement for a long time. He made a mistake going in for politics, for this is not anything he is strong at. It's clear to all now that the "king is naked", that his ministers came to Bulgaria to learn to govern. It's high time the inexpert people stop making rehearsals without making a premiere afterwards.
- How could people learn not to be over-confident?
- The people are not to blame. The blame is on the political elite. After November 10, 1989 every political party pledged to improve the situation, to usher Bulgaria to EU, NATO... This is a utopia which the government funnels into the heads of Bulgarians. It should be openly said that the EU is not a charitable organization and Bulgaria is far below their par.
- Now in Europe the rightist forces are on the upsurge. Could this happen in Bulgaria, too?
- Both the NMS government and that of Kostov claimed that they are right-wing governments. If so, they should have pursued the policy friendly to the small and medium business, to let people make money and pay taxes. No one can reap profits from bankrupt and idle enterprises. This cabinet pursues purely socialist policy - they sell off the country to replenish the budget and then re-allot it for socially handicapped, pensioners, sick people, etc. When we run out of enterprises for sale what shall we do?
- Start from the beginning?
- Go back in history to the times of the third Bulgarian kingdom and start building up the state anew. Bulgaria needs the rightist economic alternative. Now the notions of right and left are arbitrary. What matters is the economic model, not the fact that you are communist or anticommunist.
- What could unite the right forces?
- The person who could do it is former president, Peter Stoyanov. He has proven himself as a statesman and is highly reputed in all political formations to the right of the center.
(Abridged) |